ADDONZ – A Software for your Business Growth
We support for the Growth of your Business. A software for the businesses like Gym, Dance Studio, Music School, Sports Academy and more…
- Business Management
- Employee Management
- Client Management
- Additional Income Addon
- Business Owners & Admin staffs Portal
- Employee / Trainers Portal
- Client Portal
Permissions For Owners & Admin
Business owners (Fitness Centre, Dance Studio, Music school, Sports Academy,…) can mange their business from anywhere in the world.
Both the owners and Admin Staffs have all the access in software..
Able to do all the below operations:
– Create new Enquiry and follow that.
– Create and Edit Packages.
– Create new customers and staffs.
– Assign Staffs, Diet plan, Exercise plan to all clients.
– Create Payment records
– Client and Staff Attendance Permission.
– View sales, expense and all the Reports.

Permissions For Trainers / Masters
Trainers have only access to their assigned clients.
Able to do all the below operations:
– Assign Diet plan, Exercise plan to their
assigned clients.
– Able to put his/her attendance.
– View their assigned client Reports like their
renewal , attendance and fitness data.
They did not able to access the other clients who assigned to other trainers / Masters..

Permissions For Clients / Customers
All the clients have their separate login access.
Android app is provided for all the clients.
Able to do all the below operations:
– View Diet plan, Exercise plan assigned to them.
– Able to put and view their daily attendance.
– View their next renewal date, fitness
and their profile data.
They did not able to access the other clients….

ADDONZ Software Features:
- Neat & Clean Diet , Exercise Chart Plan which makes easy to understand
- Very easy to assign Diet & Exercise Chart.
- Randomized QR Generated for every day for Attendance.
- Tracking of Clients by Trainers is provided which makes the work easy for owners.
- Different Marketing tool is provided
- We provide Additional income source
Reasonable Cost