Why Reverse Walkathon
10-20 minutes of backward walking or jogging a few times a week can provide you with the workout variety your mind and body crave.
On the surface, walking backward may seem silly or useless. Take a deeper look, though. It actually provides a number of perks for both your physical and mental well-being. It’s a simple way for you to challenge different muscles and force your mind to focus and operate differently.
Backwards 100 Steps = 500 Forward Steps
- Burns more calories
- Brilliant for balance.
- Sharpens the senses.
- Easier on the joints and back.
- Flexibility & strength.
- Shakes up your routine.
- Strengthen your legs.
- Prevent back pain.
Mental benefits
- Enhanced sense of body awareness
- Increased body coordination and movement in space
- Helps avoid workout boredom
- Improves overall mood
- Helps with sleep cycles
- Motivates you to step outside your comfort zone
- Keeps your mind guessing
- Sharpens your thinking skills and enhances cognitive control
- Puts senses into overdrive, improving vision

Body benefits
- Increases strength in lesser-used leg muscles
- Helps rehabilitate knee injuries
- Improves walking technique and form
- Helps with balance
- Burns calories
- Helps you maintain a healthy weight
- Strengthens bones and muscles
- Boosts energy levels
- Elevates body’s metabolism
We Provide : T-Shirt, Medal, Certificate & Breakfast
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